American Factfinder
American Factfinder provides a detailed level of information at the community and county level for a number of demographic categories. The information is provided by the US Census Bureau
Population: | 16,430 |
Median Age: | 42.5 |
Number of Companies: | 1,453 |
High School Graduation Rate: | 87.90% |
Total Housing Units | 7,930 |
Median Household Income | $40,157 |
Poverty Level | 14.40% |
Number of Veterans | 1,087 |
DCEO Community Profiles
DCEO provides Community Profiles for all communities and counties in Illinois.
Pike County Community Websites
Employment Statistics
Local Employment Dynamics (LED) is a partnership between the Illinois Department of Employment Security and the U.S. Census Bureau to develop information about local workforce and labor market conditions. This information is built from sources that cover more than 90% of total wage and salary civilian jobs, primarily state and federal administrative records.
Employment Rates for Pike County
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program develops monthly and annual estimates of the labor force, employed, unemployed and the unemployment rate for the State, metropolitan areas, counties and municipalities.